
I love programming! Making cool websites, applications, and games is fun, and it's what I like to do.

This website serves as my personal portfolio. Below you can find projects, demos, and contact information.


This is a sample of some of my favorite projects that I've made. You can see a larger list of my projects on GitHub.

Digit Recognition

A neural network made from scratch that can recognize handwritten digits. In its current state, it's about 80% accurate when it looks at numbers I draw, and was 90% accurate on the data it was trained with. This is far from perfect (the record is 99.79% accuracy), but I wanted to show it now because I learned so much and had a lot of fun while working on it! I am currently learning the necessary math to bring the accuracy up to ~99%, and will update once that is achieved.

Project on GitHub


Block Puzzle

This game is a re-creation of a game on the Google Playstore called 'Block Puzzle'. You place blocks onto the grid, and when a column or row is full, those blocks disappear. While making this game I learned more about how java handles dynamic layouts and events. I'm also currently making an online multiplayer version of this game that uses NodeJS to host the lobbies.

Full Video on Youtube

Project on GitHub

Download .jar

Connect Four AI

Connect Four, featuring an AI opponent that uses some neat methods to play. This project started as an assignment question for a university class and quickly became one of my favorite projects so far! While working on this project I gained a much deeper understanding of how to precisely define a problem and then solve it using smart search algorithms.

Project on GitHub



This website has seen many iterations and improvements since I started working on it over 2 years ago. Every time I learn a new tool or technique, I see if I can find a way to apply it to my website. This allows me to improve both my skills and website through hands-on experimentation.

Project on GitHub

Parts Database

This college project accesses and displays information stored in a database. The interface feels dated considering all that I've learned since I created it, but the main focus of this project was to utilize technologies such as PHP, Angular, and MySQL.

Project on GitHub


Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

It's like regular tic tac toe, but in order to win you need to win 3 small games in a row. While working on this project I specifically learned more about jQuery and how to handle inputs from a large amount of dynamic elements.

Full Video on Youtube

Project on GitHub



Lethbridge College
Diploma in Computer Information Technology (2016)

The education was a good mix of theory and hands on work (including a practicum). We mostly worked with C++/Java to learn the fundamentals of programming, but also learned C, HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP.

University of Lethbridge
Bachelor of Computer Science (2018)

Most of the programming was done in C++, but other languages such as assembly and lisp were used to learn more in-depth topics.